Assessment of coastal hazards induced by extreme storm events along the oriental plain of Corsica, France
Marine storm events are very often the most devastating meteorological hazards. Their impact on coastal areas participates to the global increase of risks linked to the sea. The oriental plain of Corsica is a sandy low lying area particularly exposed to storm events. However, the phenomenon remains poorly understood mainly because of the quasi-absence of storm-specific datasets. In this context, a two years research program was undertaken to obtain storm-specific information and evaluate the exposition of the coastal plain of Corsica to hazards induced by storm events. A complete database on storm characteristics (simulated hydrodynamics conditions) and storm impacts was established, and a very precise DTM obtained. These datasets are crucial for the knowledge and the anticipation of coastal hazards, and they are available for any further research project or for management purposes. Marine inundation and sensitivity to coastal erosion were determined at the regional scale for the entire oriental plain, evidencing the areas where the vulnerability to coastal hazards is particularly high.