The fracture permeability of Hard Rock Aquifers is due neither to tectonics, nor to unloading, but to weathering processes
The hydrogeology of superficial (∼0-100 m b.g.l.) Hard Rock Aquifers (HRA; i.e. plutonic and metamorphic rocks) has so far been dominated by a few concepts considered to be relevant by a large majority of the HRA community. One of the most fundamental of these concepts is that their (secondary, fissure/fracture) permeability is either of tectonic origin or related to unloading processes. We will show that these genetic concepts are erroneous. We will demonstrate how the hydraulic conductivity of HRAs is a consequence of the (palaeo) weathering processes, with a stratiform fissured layer located immediately below the unconsolidated saprolite and, to a lesser extent, a verticalized fissured layer at the periphery of (or within) pre-existing discontinuities (veins, joints, ancient faults, lithological contacts, etc.). This result opens up large perspectives in terms of applied hydrogeology and applied geology. A specifically dedicated methodological toolkit well adapted to the operational survey, management and protection of HRAs is briefly presented.